With the last quarter of 2018 now well under way, we’ve passed Halloween, we’ve passed Remembrance Day and there’s only one thing left to look forward to!
‘Holidays are coming, holidays are coming.’ And if you don’t currently have the Coca Cola advert song playing in your head and a vision of the big red truck then your childhood was seriously lacking that little something special.
Let’s face it though, the arrival of those much loved ads are the only true indicator that it’s time once again to embark on the annual triathlon, trudging the shops, trawling the internet then almost breaking your back with the final dash to get everything wrapped ready for Christmas day! Now unlike a real triathlon, fuelled by water and weeks of carefully planned nutritional meals, the Christmas triathlon tends to be fuelled by the abundance of market food stalls and the regular indulgence in fat and carb loaded treats that threaten to undo the hard work and commitment of those who have been focused on their health and fitness goals.
If you would like to avoid these seasonal pitfalls then read on and follow our ‘SB Fitness nutrition advice for the Christmas Season.’
Now it is Christmas, and there’s nothing wrong with indulging in a few treats in moderation, but unfortunately many of us don’t really understand the consequences of regularly indulging in these things when they are on the go. (Cue dramatic horror movie music of your choice)
But do not fear, SB Fitness is here to talk about those consequences and how you can avoid falling victim to them whilst satisfying and maintaining your appetite this season!
I love hearing the same old overly dramatic nutrition facts that are put out there to scare us…. in an amusing conversation I had recently an individual said to me with a frown, ‘Shirley in the office said its bad to have too many sugar rushes in one day because you could get heart disease!’ My response was ‘Sugar rushes are like unicorns, they are a complete myth! It’s a placebo effect which tricks the mind and body.’ Its true look it up; before you start screaming at the page I did also remind her that she is better off not going over the recommended daily sugar allowances for females (20 grams) as it can contribute towards heart disease over time. The point to this little tale of fear and panic is – don’t worry too much when I now tell you about why you should avoid eating on the move. Now I know for most of us, including myself, its unavoidable at times due to very busy lifestyles. But I can assure you now it is not the primary factor to the poor health or excessive weight gain of many individuals within the UK, but for those who are trying to change their body composition and size it definitely will not help!
Important things to note:
Avoiding this is actually very easy with a focus on keeping our appetites stimulated for longer period of time, especially throughout those long shopping trips. You can, believe it or not, achieve this and not trigger an increase in body fat!
I know, I know, it’s almost unbelievable right? But keep reading and I will share my secrets!
Best time and way to eat?
What should we eat?
Now I know what you are thinking, where on earth am I supposed to find these foods when I’m engaged in the Christmas shopping triathlon? The answer is you may struggle here, and if your sweet tooth really is too weak then one little treat from the market probably won’t do too much harm. Just remember the above article is directed more at giving you tips on sustaining your appetite so you can avoid a bit more of those seductive bad foods over the Christmas break. Fill up on that hearty breakfast before you head out the door and perhaps the cravings can be avoided for a while. Then at lunchtime aim to stop at a quality café that offers healthier choices if you can.
If you would like further information on nutrition from our Qualified Nutrition Consultant then see our link below. A personalised nutrition plan will be developed specifically for you by Melanie. The plan will give you the best chance of realising your fitness and weight loss goals and it will also help to guide you through the tricky festive season.
The Junction Sports and Leisure Centre,
Station Approach, Broadstone,
Poole, Dorset, BH18 8AX.
YMCA Bournemouth,
56 Westover Road, Bournemouth,
Dorset, BH1 2BS.
Sean Burgess Fitness 01202 282726
Contact Us Here
Monday – Friday: 06:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 – 18:00
Sunday: 08:00 – 18:00